RG 219 Records of the Office of Defense Transportation
Railway Transport Department 1942-1946
Office of Southern Regional Director

General Files

Box 1
Abandonment's A-2
A-2-1 Abandonment - T&NC
A-2-2 Rehabilitation - Smith Vereen
A-2-3 Sunday Service -Virginia Blue Ridge
A-2-4 Requisition of Railroad by War Production Board
A-2-5 Operations of Charleston, S.C. Port Utilities Commission
A-2-6 Abandonment - C. of Ga. Between Chickamauga, Ga. and Durham, Ga.
A-2-7 Abandonment of 1.5 miles of central Georgia Railway near Dadeville, Alabama
A-2-8 Abandonment of Tuckaseegee and Southeastern Railroad
Accidents A-4
A-4-1 Accidents - Instructions and Correspondence regarding failure to comply
A-4-2 Investigation of Accidents by Interstate Commerce Commission
A-4-3 Accidents - Alabama Dry Dock Mobile, Alabama
A-4-4 Statistics on Accidents
A-4-5 ACL derailment at Buie, N.C.
Addresses and Speeches A-12
A-12-1 Delivery of Addresses
Associations, Societies, and Clubs A-18
A-18-2 National Association of Railroad and Utilities Commissioners
A-18-3 Railroad Association of Georgia
A-18-4 Association of American Railroad
A-18-5 Memphis Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 New Orleans Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Shippers Advisory Boards
Box 2
Associations, Societies, and Clubs Cont'd A-18
A-18-5 Atlanta Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Birmingham Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Jacksonville Shippers Advisory Board
A-18-5 Louisville Shippers Advisory Board
Bridges B-18
B-18-1 Bridges, Protection of
B-18-2 Bridge - Demopolis, Alabama
B-18-3 Side dumps for Vicksburg Bridge
B-18-4 Emergency Connections for Potomac River Bridge (Long Bridge)
B-18-5 Bridge - Apalaachicola Barge
B-18-6 Bridge - Aquia Creek - R.F. & P.
B-18-7 Bridge - Baton Rouge, La.
B-18-8 Bridge - Application to construct bridge over Waters Street, Wayneboro, Ga.
Cars - Freight C-10
C-10-1 Stock Cars - Mather Stock Company
C-10-2 Freight cars frozen by W.P.B.
C-10-3 Phospate Cars
C-10-4 Lake Coal
C-10-5 Detention of Reefers - Cincinnati
C-10-6 Cars of Alabama State Docks
C-10-7 Cross Hauling
C-10-8 Conservation of open tops
C-10-9 Returning of large gondola from Cuba
C-10-10 Refrigerator Car Pool
C-10-11 Class A Boxes for Loading Ammunition
C-10-12 Cirous Cars
C-10-13 Service Order No. 104 - Reefers
C-10-14 Covered hoppers for pine castle
Box 3
Cars - Freight C-10 cont'd
C-10-15 Delay - Close doors and hoppers
C-10-16 Gondola - Priest Lumber Company
C-10-17 Car Service - Fort Estill, Corbin, Kentucky (See C-40-4)
No documents in C-10-17 folder
C-10-18 Operation of trains containing wooden carts
C-10-19 Return of gondolas to Home Road
C-10-20 Airport Construction Project Beaufort, S.C.
C-10-21 Importation of Balsa Wood New Orleans, La.
C-10-22 Use of trap cars to release meter trucks at Memphis
C-10-23 Application by Alabama Dry Dock and Ship Building Company to purchase obsolete
flat cars
C-10-24 Shortage of cars for loading TNT at Alabama Ord. Works Childersburg, Alabama
C-10-25 Use of box cars instead of gondolas for movement of pre-fabricated houses
C-10-26 Shortage of cars for loading sugar in the New Orleans Area
C-10-27 Construction of substitutes in lieu of additional tank cars
C-10-28 Letter to Field General, Subject car detention and excuses, Detention, bunching, labor
C-10-29 Use 40' cars handling watermelon notwithstanding ICC service order No. 74
C-10-30 Accumulation of cars by Federal Barge Line, New Orleans, La.
C-10-32 Use of box cars for shipment of Christmas trees during 1943 season
C-10-33 Percentage card held beyond 48 hour free time by industrial users in West
C-10-34 Freight and passenger cars on order, delivered, and scheduled for delivery
C-10-35 Car handling at various naval and military establishments
C-10-36 Cars passing over cleaning trucks
C-10-37 Shortage of cars for loading pulp wood in Bogalusa, La Area
C-10-38 Complaint regarding shortage of box car equipment in Georgia
C-10-39 Cars - Alleged discrimination in distribution of refrigerator equipment by Florida East
C-10-40 Use of refrigerator cars for storage
C-10-41 Alleged severe requirements of Southern Ry in connection with loading dunnage
lumber in open tops
C-10-42 Check for month of June 1945 on car detention by cosignees in Southern Region
Box 4
Car Passenger C-12
C-12-1 Southern Railway Passenger Cars
C-12-2 Idle Office cars
C-12-3 Passenger Cars available for sale or lease
C-12-4 Military Pullman Cars
Car Service C-40
C-40-1 Car situation report government construction
C-40-2 Government project Ft. Meyers, Florida
C-40-3 Camp Van Dorn government construction
C-40-4 Blue Grass Ordinance Plant III government construction
C-40-5 Car situation at ship building plants
C-40-6 Camp Campbell Edgeton, Kentucky
C-40-7 Air Force Concentration Camp Halls, Tennessee
C-40-8 Approval of sites for camp bases
C-40-9 Millington, Tennessee government construction
C-40-10 Car situation at Bell Bomber Plant, Marietta, Georgia
C-40-11 Cherry Pointe Marine Air Field Car Service
C-40-12 Signal Corps Depot Avon, Kentucky
C-40-13 Gold Proof Elevator Louisville, Kentucky
C-40-14 Reconsignment of cars by holding and reconsigning and service depots
Coal C-65
C-65-1 Reduction in coal classifications
C-65-2 Lake Coal detention
C-65-3 N.Y.O. & W. Coal handling
C-65-4 Use of DT&I in routing coal
C-65-5 Coal for Meridian and Bigbee River Railroad
C-65-6 Coal via Chesapeake Western
C-65-7 Percentage of coal mine orders spotted daily
C-65-8 Utilization of equipment in transportation of coal (Powell Coal Co.)
C-65-9 Hampton Roads Bank of Coastwise Coal
C-65-10 Wagon loading of coal
Box 5
Coal C-65 cont'd
C-65-11 Coal strikes
C-65-12 Coal for N&W origins to Winston-Salem. Complaint of backhaul
C-65-13 Delay cars at Cincinnati Ex-barge movement
C-65-14 Routing of coal via Monon RR
C-65-15 Solid fuels order on coal - effecting L&N Railroad
C-65-16 Designation of ODT as claimant agency for requirements for solid fuels
C-65-17 Fuel coal for Central of Georgia Railway
C-65-18 Fuel coal for East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad
C-65-19 Regulations - solid fuel administration for war
C-65-20 Coal supply for Gulf Mobile and Ohio
C-65-21 Daily coal situation of railroads in Southern Region
Codes C-70
No #/No description - Roseville, California
C-70-1 Codes for Port inventories
C-70-2 Use of code file numbers in telegrams
Committees C-75
C-75-1 Atlanta, Georgia Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Birmingham, Alabama Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Cincinnati, Ohio Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Indianapolis, Indiana Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Jacksonville, Florida Traffic Advisory Committee
C-75-1 Louisville, Kentucky Traffic Advisory Committee
Box 6
Committees C-75 cont'd
C-75-2 Coastwise Advisory Committee
C-75-3 National Industrial Traffic League - War Committee
C-75-4 New Orleans car efficiency committee
C-75-5 Fort Conditions Committee
C-75-6 Solid fuel industry advisory committee
C-75-7 War Transportation Efficiency Committee
C-75-8 (1 of 2) Manpower Priorities Committees VIII
C-75-8 (1 of 2) Manpower Priorities Committees VIII
C-75-9 ODT Transportation coordinating committee to facilitate movement of domestic traffic
Consolidation C-77
C-75-1 Consolidate Railroad facilities
C-75-2 Birmingham Terminal Unification
Construction C-80
C-80-1 Munic Railway - Tampa
C-80-2 B&O Wye - Hyattsville, Maryland
C-80-3 Relocation - Alexandria
C-80-4 Restoration - Key West Extension
C-80-5 GM&O Track Connection - Montgomery Regulating Station
C-80-6 Construction - Washington Terminal
C-80-7 Construction - Extension of Norfolk and Southern Railway from Fayetteville, North
Carolina to Fort Bragg, North Carolina
C-80-8 Tracks - Construction of Additional
C-80-9 Construction - WPB SAL yard, Raleigh, North Carolina
C-80-10 Construction - WPB office building, Wilmington, North Carolina
C-80-11 Construction - Investigation of
C-80-12 Construction - Siding for Underwood Coal and Supply Company
C-80-13 Construction - Interchange Facilities Richmond
C-80-14 Construction - Additions to facilities, Russell, Kentucky
Box 7
Construction C-80 cont'd
C-80-15 Construction - Addition to Yard Tracks - Seaboard Air Line Railway,
Richmond, Virginia
C-80-16 Construction - Signal station Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad
C-80-17 Construction - Union Station Cincinnati, Ohio
C-80-18 Construction - Seaboard Air Line Railway, Raleigh, N.C.
C-80-19 Construction - U.S. Mail conveyor system Washington Terminal
C-80-20 Construction - Application A.C.L. priorities construct diesel repair shop, Jacksonville,
C-80-21 Construction - Tracks, trestles, Atlanta, oil
C-80-22 Construction - Application A.C.L authority construct double-track, Petersburg branch
C-80-23 Construction - Recommended by Gibbs, interlocker installation on L&N railroad at
Winchester, Ky.
C-80-24 Construction - Application of ACL to extend passing
C-80-25 Construction - request for material to complete interlocker at Memphis Union Station
C-80-26 Construction - Application of D & RGW for CTC
C-80-27 Application of McWilliams Dredging Co. for relay rail at Radiant Mine, Nauvoo,
C-80-28 Additional facilities on Western Railroads
C-80-29 SAL application for block signal installation, Monroe, N.C., and Howells, GA.
C-80-30 Application of Delta Shipbuilding Co. for authority to construct additional tracks
C-80-31 Construction for projects approved by ODT
C-80-32 Application for addition to Acca Yard, Richmond, Virginia (R.F. & P)
C-80-33 Application of ACL for authority to enlarge North Charleston Station
C-80-34 Application of SAL for authority to construct three ballast deck trestles near Chester,
C-80-35 Additional stock pens at Potomac Yard (R.F. & P.)
C-80-36 Walk on bridge over Cape Fear River @ Milan, N.C.
C-80-37 Water tank at Robbins, S.C. (Atlantic Coast Line)
C-80-38 Central of Georgia power switching at Fort Valley (Macon, Ga.)
C-80-39 Extension of passenger station at Accotik, Va.
C-80-40 Completion of projects classed as improvements and abandonments
C-80-41 Seaboard Air Line request for re-arrangement of existing track facilities at Hamlet,
C-80-42 L&N and IC request for joint pasenger station at Milan, Tennessee
C-80-43 ACL request to modify interlocking plant at Sylvester, Ga.
C-80-44 ACL request to construct wye track connections at Copeland, Florida
C-80-45 Joint wye track at Brunswick, Ga., between Southern Ry., A.B. & C. and ACL
C-80-46 Seaboard application for authority to construct additional track at Jacksonville, Florida
C-80-47 Construction - Improvements at Jacksonville, Florida, requested by Seaboard Air Line
C-80-48 Construction - Additional station facilities at Dothan, Alabama, and Panama City,
Florida, requested by A St. AB Railway
C-80-49 Construction - Additional building in shop yards at Montgomery, Alabama, requested by Western Railway Company, Alabama
C-80-50 Construction - Classification Yard, Miami Air Depot, Miami, Florida, requested by
C-80-51 Construction - C. of Ga. request to enlarge station facilities at Milledgeville, Ga.
C-80-52 Construction - Improvements in L&N passenger station at Montgomery, Alabama
C-80-53 Construction - Improvements in F.E. C. station facilities at Melbourne, Florida
C-80-54 Construction - Improvement in F.E.C. baggage room facilities at Miami, Florida
Box 8
Coordination C-90
C-90-1 FEC-SAL South Florida Coordination
C-90-2 Trucking of cotton
C-90-3 Rail - Truck coordination
C-90-4 Coordination - Augusta to Greenwood
C-90-5 Duplicate train and bus service Jacksonville to Tampa
C-90-6 Beaufort and Savannah Steamship line
C-90-7 Coordination - Greater use of over-the-road-handling of motor trucks
Demurrage D-10
C-90-1 No
C-90-2 Demurrage - Report of I.C.C. Talbotton RR. Maintain demurrage record
C-90-3 Demurrage - consideration free time or increasing demurrage rates
C-90-4 Hearing of Alabama Public Service Commission at Montgomery re revision of demurrage tariff.
Diversion D-15
D-15-1 Diversion Authority
D-15-2 Un-named
D-15-3 Diversion Orders
D-15-4 Diversion Orders - W.C. Curren
D-15-5 Carriers operating in the Southern Region which are parties to the Emergency Petroleum
Dunnage D-20
D-20-1 Dunnage - Removal of Dunnage debris, strapping from freight cars time of unloading
Embargoes E-20
E-20-1 No
E-20-2 Russian Embargoes
E-20-3 Embargo - Brann and Stewart
E-20-4 Embargo #50
E-20-5 Correspondence re: Embargoes
Employees- Correspondence with respect to employment of E-40
E-40-1 Daily report of absentees correspondence
E-40-1 Daily report of absentees
Box 9
Employees E-40 cont'd
E-40-2 Drafting of Railroad Employees
E-40-3 Reciepts - Salary Checks
E-40-4 Applications - Rail Supervisors
E-40-4 Employment Applications - A-B
E-40-4 Employment Applications - C
E-40-4 Employment Applications - D-E-F-G
E-40-4 Employment Applications - H-I
E-40-4 Employment Applications - J-K-L
E-40-4 Employment Applications - M
E-40-4 Employment Applications - N-O-P
E-40-4 Employment Applications - Q-R
E-40-4 Employment Applications - S
E-40-4 Employment Applications - T-Z
E-40-5 Employees - Deficiencies, Housing, and Eating
E-40-6 Employees - Protection from poison gas
E-40-7 Employees - Resignation of
E-40-8 Employees - Visit Field, Miss Dorothy Sells, Womanpower problem
Box 10
Employees E-40 cont'd
E-40-9 Employees - Deduction from pay, income tax
E-40-10 Young people in transportation industry
E-40-11 Employees - Proposal transfer to Western Region, train and yard service employees furloughed in Southern Region
E-40-12 Employees - Rules for inducting men under selective service
E-40-13 Telephone service in Railroad Workers' homes
E-40-14 Efficiency Ratings
Equipment E-50
E-50-1 Air compressor for potomac yard
E-50-2 Block signals - Georgia RR
E-50-3 I.C. Application priority track construction
E-50-4 ODT claimant agency - Power to requisition
E-50-5 Equipment - Shortage of car equipment
E-50-6 Equipment - Track scale available
E-50-7 Equipment - request of Florida East Coast Ry., Miami Transfer Co., for additional trucks for pick up and delivery at Miami
E-50-8 Handling of grain doors
E-50-9 Callahan and Sons' request for snatch blocks for plant at Louisville, Ky.
E-50-10 C & O request for loud speaker system at Newport News, Virginia
E-50-11 General File - Equipment available for sale or lease
E-50-12 Equipment - request of Southern Steel works company, Birmingham, Alabama, for additional crane
E-50-13 Equipment - general file on requests for special or additional equipment to facilitate
E-50-14 Application of Novick Transfer Co., Winchester, Va., for federal loan to purchase highway tractors
Express E-60
E-60-1 Scheduled express trains
E-60-2 Mail and Express II
E-60-3 Mail and Express at Jacksonville Terminal
Box 11
Files F-5
F-5-1 Files and Correspondence
Financing F-6
F-6-1 Financing RFC Loan Puerto Rico Floods F-8
F-8-1 Floods - Interruption to traffic
Forms F-10
F-10-1 Applications for Employment
Freight F-20
F-20-1 Sugar importation
F-20-2 Delay Account - United Fruit Company Measuring L.C.L.
F-20-3 Circus Movements
F-20-4 Priorities for air shipments
F-20-5 Regulating stations
F-20-6 Deports for truck-borne export freight
F-20-7 Cars awaiting forwarding instructions
F-20-8 No folder
F-20-9 Car delay - Du Pont - Chickasaw
F-20-10 Freight - Accumulation
F-20-11 Freight - Delay and bunching
F-20-12 Freight - Staggering - shipping cotton
F-20-13 Freight cars - utilization of
F-20-14 Fort Bragg tank car delay
F-20-15 Freight - delay Wilson and Co.
F-20-16 Freight - Movement of alcohol
F-20-17 Freight - Movement of carbide Louisville
F-20-18 Frieght - Complaint of Smith and Smith
F-20-19 Frieght delay - handling gondola cars
F-20-20 Freight - delay unloading pogne district
F-20-21 No folder
F-20-22 Freight - Ability of railroads to handle fruits and vegetables into Memphis
F-20-23 Freight - Yazoo and Miss. Valley RR freight to Meridian and Bigbee River Ry., delay-
military impediments
F-20-24 Freight - Movement to Acme Fast freight, Tampa domestic and export memo waybill
F-20-25 Freight - Special cotton letter by Flippen and Alexander - Memphis
F-20-26 Freight - delay cars Tuscaloosa, Alabama, awaiting approval contents by inspector
F-20-27 Freight - delay unloading, Chalmette, Louisiana, failure to inspect blitz cars
F-20-28 Freight - Waste Trans. Landing sugar mobile when destination another port
F-20-29 Freight - Accumulation empty drums Houston, Texas
F-20-30 Freight - Hauling aggregates north, South Carolina
F-20-31 Freight - Forwarding pip for export to Mobile for San Francisco Waste Trans. & Labor
F-20-32 Freight - Use of new form combined bill of Lading and Waybill
F-20-33 Freight - OWI release, ODT 316 rearrangement full 6 day a week receipt of carload and LCL shipments
Box 12
Freight F-20 cont'd
F-20-34 Accumulation of grain cars shipped by commodity credit corporation
F-20-35 AAR release showing minimum transit time allowed on exports to ports
F-20-36 Complaints re handling LCL freight
F-20-37 Molasses from Cuba
F-20-38 Canadian grain to U.S.
F-20-39 Export to Russia
F-20-40 Freight - Shipments of aluminum concentrate routed Mobile to Vancouver
F-20-41 Movement of perishables in southern region
F-20-42 No folder
F-20-43 Congestion of less carload freight (Cincinnati Area) including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses
F-20-43 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses
F-20-44 Use of freight cars at Tampa for storage of import freight
F-20-45 Handling of import traffic at Ports
F-20-46 Movement of import green coffee through New Orleans
F-20-47 Request of Joseph B. Eastman for Waybills, September 5, 1943, through ASL and AAR
F-20-48 Freight - Survey of Alcohol plants Use of tank cars
F-20-49 Freight - Land grant deductions
F-20-50 Handling of traffic by New Orleans public belt
F-20-51 No folder
F-20-52 Movement of traffic between Little Creek, Va., and Cape Charles, Va., by the Pa. RR
car ferry
F-20-53 Handling of manganese ore at Mobile, Alabama
F-20-54 Transportation of Mexican Cotton in United States
Freight - Export F-40
F-40-1 Contractors - New Orleans
F-40-2 Freight - Handling of China defense materials
Box 13
General G-10
G-10-1 Payroll Allotment form II
G-10-2 Gladiola Plants from Florida
G-10-3 No folder
G-10-4 Potatoes II
G-10-5 Information as to the arrival of ships - security
G-10-6 Air Force site selection board
G-10-7 Synthetic rubber from alcohol
G-10-8 Johnson complaint
G-10-9 Gathering Florida fruits and vegetables
G-10-10 State trade barriers
G-10-11 Charles E. Bertrand
G-10-12 J.J. Stein
G-10-13 Conservation Hose connections
G-10-14 Stewart and Berkshire Railroad
G-10-15 Sheffield and Tionesta service
G-10-16 Navy liason officers
G-10-17 Policy of ODT with regard to conservation of transportation
G-10-18 Waste and trash - New Orleans
G-10-19 Ecuador - recommendation, operating officer
G-10-20 Food rationing - Employees
G-10-21 Contribution to Red Cross by employees
G-10-22 Representatives - food distribution A.D.M
G-10-23 OWI report on transportation
G-10-24 Stuttgart, Arkansas, not in Southern Region. Instructions not invade territory other directors.
G-10-25 Instructions regarding correspondence with WPB
G-10-26 Investigations as to availability of car floats to be used by Army in Boston Harbor
G-10-27 Tickets for concerts, etc.
G-10-28 Conservatin activities undertaken by division of railway transport by boatner
G-10-29 First Aid instructions
G-10-30 Tax legislation
G-10-31 Community War Fund Drive
G-10-32 Group hospitalization
G-10-33 Blood bank
G-10-34 Black market operations in railroad accommodations
G-10-35 Relief and rehabilitation in areas liberated from enemy control
G-10-36 Legal service - ODT
G-10-37 W.S.A. operations regulation No. 23A
G-10-38 No folder
G-10-39 Recognition of Transportation Co. and Employees for accomplishments
Icing I-10
I-10-1 Mutual Ice Company - Potomac Yard
I-10-2 Request for assistance in securing refrigerators to handle ice shipments
I-10-3 Icing of cars on RF&P at PotomacYard
I-10-4 Request for additional icing facilities at Montgomery, Alabama (Atlantis Company)
Information I-15
I-15-1 Furnishing telegraphic information to cosignee
I-15-2 ODT information - office of war information
I-15-3 Information requested by OPA regarding movement of potatoes
I-15-4 Furnishing information concerning operations of one railroad to executives of other railroads
Box 14
Interstate Commerce Commission I-30
I-30-1 Service Order #85, Regarding train limit rules in various states
I-30-2 ICC Service Agents
I-30-3 Interstate Commerce Act (I.C.C.)
Inventories I-50
I-50-1 Monthly Inventories
Labor L-10
L-10-1 National Railway Labor Panel Emergency Board
L-10-2 Starting time transfer crews
L-10-3 Labor requirements in railroad industry
L-10-4 Labor
L-10-5 Strike, Machinists SAL Ry.
L-10-6 Labor difficulties, SAL Ry. Freight handlers, Jacksonville
L-10-7 General file on strikes
L-10-8 Shortage of labor on Atlantic Coast Line Railroad
L-10-9 Shortage of manpower on A&EC
L-10-10 Assignment of traffic men on railroad offices
L-10-11 Additional men on train crews
L-10-12 Manpower situation on Winston-Salem Southbound railroad
L-10-13 Shortage of manpower on Atlanta & St. Andrews Bay railway
L-10-14 Labor - strike at Tennessee, Gas and Transmission Company, Burnaugh, Kentucky
L-10-15 Pooling railroad and steamship labor at New Orleans
L-10-16 Shortage of labor at cotton storage warehouse and compresses
Loading L-15
L-15-1 Loading - Lights for loading
L-15-2 Loading - Follansbee Steel Corporation - Damage to loading and equipment
L-15-3 Complaints regarding improper loading of cars
Locomotives L-20
L-20-1 Locomotives
L-20-1 Locomotives II
Box 15
Locomotive L-20 cont'd
L-20-1 Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Ry - Locomotives
L-20-1 Locomotive schedules
L-20-1 Broward County Port Authority
L-20-1 Locomotives - High point, Thomasville and Denton Railroad
L-20-1 Locomotives - Porto (Puerto) Rican RR
L-20-2 Statistics - Locomotives
L-20-3 B&O Locomotives - out of service
L-20-4 Leasing Birmingham Southern Locomotives
L-20-5 ACL and SAL locomotives through . . .
L-20-6 Report indicating poor power conditions on L&N and GM&O RR
L-20-7 Request for information regarding export locomotives at Southern region ports
L-20-8 Locomotives leased
L-20-9 Survey of locomotive and car shops
L-20-10 Survey of locomotive and car shops (Reports) 1of 2
L-20-10 Survey of locomotive and car shops 2 of 2
Mail M-5
M-5-1 Mailing lists
M-5-2 Mail in Mobile office
M-5-3 Mail instructions - Prompt reply to
M-5-4 Designation of postal delivery zones - facilitating delivery within large cities
M-5-5 Addresses Regional Offices ODT
M-5-6 Complaints handling mail
M-5-7 Mail - Origin of communications
M-5-8 Deadline - Mail Christmas packages
Maps M-10
M-10-1 Map of Southern Freight Association
Box 16
Meeting M-20
M-20-1 WPB Salvage Committee Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
M-20-2 Staff Meetings
M-20-3 Handling of Wool
M-20-4 Dinner meetings
M-20-5 Meeting DAR at Cincinnati
M-20-6 Meeting grain and grain products transportation Conservation Committee
M-20-7 Motor truck meeting, Memphis
M-20-8 Eastman attends luncheon meeting, Cincinnati
M-20-9 Monthly meetings of regional representatives of ODT
M-20-10 Cancellation of meetings, conventions etc. to conserve transportation
Oil O-5
O-5-1 Oil - General V
O-5-2 Circular No. TCS-1
O-5-3 Symbol #1
O-5-4 Symbol #2
O-5-5 Symbol #4
O-5-6 Symbol #5
O-5-7 Symbol #6
O-5-8 Symbol #7
O-5-9 Symbol #8
O-5-10 Symbol #9
Box 17
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-11 Symbol #11
O-5-12 Symbol #12
O-5- 13 Symbol #15
O-5-14 Symbol #16
O-5-15 Symbol #17
O-5-16 Symbol #18
O-5-17 Symbol #19
O-5-18 Symbol #20
O-5-19 Symbol #22
O-5-20 Symbol #23
O-5-21 Symbol #25
O-5-22 Symbol #26
O-5-23 Symbol #27
O-5-24 Symbol #28
O-5-25 Symbol #29
O-5-26 Symbol #30
O-5-27 Symbol #31
O-5-28 Symbol #32
O-5-29 Symbol #36
O-5-30 Symbol #37
O-5-31 Symbol #39
O-5-32 Symbol #45
O-5-33 Symbol #46
O-5-34 Symbol #47
O-5-35 Symbol #49
O-5-36 Symbol #50
O-5-37 Symbol #60
O-5-38 Symbol #64
O-5-39 Symbol #67
O-5-40 Symbol #70
O-5-41 Symbol #73
O-5-42 Symbol #74
O-5-43 Symbol #75
O-5-44 Symbol #76
O-5-45 Symbol #77
O-5-46 Symbol #78
O-5-47 Symbol #79
O-5-48 Symbol #102
O-5-49 Symbol #104
Box 18
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-50 Symbol #103 and #106
O-5-51 Symbol #107
O-5-52 Symbol #110
O-5-53 Symbol #114
O-5-54 Symbol #115
O-5-55 Symbol #116
O-5-56 Symbol #117
O-5-57 Symbol #118
O-5-58 Symbol #120
O-5-59 Symbol #122
O-5-60 Symbol #134
O-5-61 Symbol #202
O-5-62 Symbol #203
O-5-63 Symbol #204 and #205
Symboled Oil Performance O-5-6
O-5-6-1 Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast RR
O-5-6-2 Atlanta and West Point RR
O-5-6-3 Atlantic Coast Line RR
O-5-6-4 Baltimore and Ohio RR
O-5-6-5 Central of Georgia RR
O-5-6-6 Chesapeake and Ohio RR
O-5-6-7 Chesapeake Western Railway
O-5-6-8 Georgia Railroad
O-5-6-9 Gulf, Mobile and Ohio RR
O-5-6-10 Illinois Central System
O-5-6-11 Louisiana and Arkansas RR
O-5-6-12 Louisville and Nashville RR
O-5-6-13 Meridian and Bigbee River RR
O-5-6-14 Mississippi Central RR
O-5-6-15 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RR
O-5-6-16 Norfolk and Western RR
Box 19
Symbol Oil Performance O-5-6 cont'd
O-5-6-17 Norfolk Southern RR
O-5-6-18 Piedmont Northern
O-5-6-19 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
O-5-6-20 Seaboard Air Line
O-5-6-21 Southern Railway System
O-5-6-22 The Virginian Railway
O-5-6-23 Performance - Symboled Oil trains
O-5-7-1 Atlanta, GA (Reports)
O-5-7-2 Atlanta, GA (Correspondence)
O-5-7-3 Birmingham
O-5-7-4 Charleston
O-5-7-5 Chattanooga, Tennessee
O-5-7-6 Cincinnati
O-5-7-7 Columbia
O-5-7-8 Jacksonville
O-5-7-9 Louisville
O-5-7-10 Memphis, Tennessee II
O-5-7-11 Mobile
O-5-7-12 Montgomery (Reports)
O-5-7-13 Reports of oil through New Orleans III
O-5-7-14 New Orleans (Correspondence) II
Box 20
O-5-7 Series cont'd
O-5-7-15 Norfolk, VA
O-5-7-16 Panama City, Florida
O-5-7-17 Parkersburg, West Virginia
O-5-7-18 Richmond
O-5-7-19 Potomac Yard
O-5-7-20 Savannah
O-5-7-21 Tampa
O-5-7-22 Washington, D.C.
O-5-7-23 Wilmington
Petroleum Movement to East Coast O-5
O-5-8 International Chemical Co. Permit
O-5-9 Washington Oil Receivers
O-5-10 International Lubricant Corp. delays
O-5-11 Helena, Arkansas to Cincinnati - Barges (Reports)
O-5-12 Diversion - Empty tanks - Anding, Mississippi
O-5-13 Information for field men on oil tanks
O-5-14 Empty tanks - Pickens, Mississippi
O-5-15 Defense Supplies Corp. - tank car delay
O-5-16 Oil from Norris City, Indiana, pipe line
O-5-17 Interchange - Baton Rouge
O-5-18 Potomac Yard tank cars
O-5-19 Standard Oil complaint - empty tanks - Baton Rouge
O-5-20 Oil - Chalmette - Alabama City (Gadsden)
O-5-21 Oil - routing of oil
O-5-22 Oil from Friendship, N.C. to Richmond, VA
O-5-23 Oil - diversion - empty - surplus tanks - floods
O-5-24 Delay in handling oil
O-5-25 Disposition empty tank cars Waybill lost
O-5-26 Spot checks of handling petroleum including time consumed loading and unloading
O-5-27 Routing of petroleum products, Jacksonville, Florida, to Norfolk, VA II
O-5-27 Routing of petroleum products, Jacksonville, Florida, to Norfolk, VA II
Box 21
Petroleum Movement to East Coast O-5 cont'd
O-5-28 Re-routing - floods - big inch pipe line
O-5-29 Delay acct. irregular movement barges assigned to petroleum products
O-5-30 Accumulation cars loaded with empty drums at St. Rose, LA
O-5-31 Accumulation cars loaded with empty drums at St. Rose, LA
O-5-32 Barium Reduction Co., S. Charleston, W. VA - release tank cars for which no
immediate use
O-5-33 Outline of duties ODT in transportation petroleum products
O-5-34 Handling as to failure to properly prepare tank cars for movement
O-5-35 Reconsigning tank cars due to surplus
O-5-36 Change in routing of symbol oil
O-5-37 "Relation of tank cars gross mile with total gross miles" (Report)
O-5-38 Assignment of tank cars for handling oil
O-5-39 Fuel oil for St. Louis - San Francisco RR - Baton Rouge to Memphis
O-5-40 Movement of oil from Anding, Mississippi, to Covington, Kentucky
O-5-41 Joint check by ODT, AAR and ICC of tank car performance July 1944
Orders O-7
O-7-1 General Order No. 18 II
O-7-2 General Order No. 19
O-7-3 I.C.C. Service Orders (correspondence)
O-7-4 General Orders (correspondence)
O-7-5 General Order No. 7
O-7-6 No folder
O-7-7 Box 22
O-7-8 Restricting special freight trains (See O-7-11)
Box 22
Orders O-7 cont'd
O-7-7 General Order #1 Movement of LCL freight
O-7-8 filed in Box 21
O-7-9 Service Order #115 Diversion and Reconsignment of fruits and vegetables
O-7-10 I.C.C. Service Orders (Correspondence)
O-7-11 Service Order #3 150v151 Special freight train movements
O-7-12 Service Order #147 Icing restrictions on fruits and vegetables from West
O-7-13 Car Service Order #46 Regarding shortage of box car equipment
O-7-14 Transportation of corn
O-7-15 Movement of export grain to Port of New Orleans via rail and barge
Orders O-10
O-10-1 No folder
O-10-2 Transportation Corps, War Department
O-10-3 Regional Administrative Offices
Organization - Field Offices - Personnel O-10-4
O-10-4-1 Anderson, Margaret D. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-2 Booth, Mary A. Personnel and Appointments Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-3 Barwell, W.F. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-4 Bostain, Betty Tampa, Florida Personnel and Appointments
O-10-4-5 Brown, Edwin Rice Mobile, Alabama
O-10-4-6 Cavey, E.C. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-7 Brower, Harvey G. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-8 Hazel R. Chamberlain
O-10-4-9 Coons, Earl L.
O-10-4-10 Coupe, Anna E.
O-10-4-11 Crowe, Maude
O-10-4-12 Devereux, Mary A. Personnel and Appointments Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-13 William H. Eggleston Norfolk, VA
Box 23
Organization - Field Offices - Personnel O-10-4 cont'd
O-10-4-14 Fleming, Claude C. Richmond, VA
O-10-4-15 Flippin, John R. Memphis, Tennessee
O-10-4-16 Fush, John M. New Orleans
O-10-4-17 Vivian Grams Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-18 Garts, Lilliam P. Mobile, Alabama Personnel and Appointments
O-10-4-19 Gibbs, Fred T. Cincinnati
O-10-4-20 Gibson, Ruth M. Personnel and Appointments Cincinnati, Ohio
O-10-4-21 Imlay, J.P. Jacksonville, Florida
O-10-4-22 Jett, L. Archie Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-23 Johnson, Archie E. Richmond, VA
O-10-4-24 Kirby, W.C. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-25 Lamborne, Martha V. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-26 Legg, Ralph J.
O-10-4-27 Lockenberg, E.H. New Orleans
O-10-4-28 Lord, B.H. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-29 Mann, Earl L.
O-10-4-30 Helena E. Markey New Orleans
O-10-4-31 Mayton, Wallace H. Columbia, S.C.
O-10-4-32 McLeod, B.T. New Orleans
O-10-4-33 Ruby W. Mengel Louisville, KY
O-10-4-34 Nash, Mrs. Madge H. Birmingham, Alabama
O-10-4-35 Nottingham, Thos. H. Jr.
O-10-4-36 Nusz, J.E. Birmingham, Alabama
O-10-4-37 O'Dea, A.E. Louisville, KY
O-10-4-38 Oliver, Kenneth D.
O-10-4-39 Parsons, A.D.
O-10-4-40 Parsons, Paul E.
O-10-4-41 Parvin, Victor
O-10-4-42 Peters, Hazel B. Personnel and Appointments Mobile, Alabama
O-10-4-43 Powell, Edwin H. Columbia, S.C.
Box 24
Organization - Field Offices - Personnel O-10-4 cont'd
O-10-4-44 Pursell, Reginald F. New Orleans, LA
O-10-4-45 Quigley, Bernard Cincinnati, Ohio
O-10-4-46 Schamberger, Geo. Norfolk, VA
O-10-4-47 Shanafelt, M. Corrine Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-48 C.A. Simpson Columbia
O-10-4-49 Von Dohlen, J.A. Columbia
O-10-4-50 Warvel, H.G. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-51 White, Mary K. Washington, D.C.
O-10-4-52 Williamson, Elizabeth C.
O-10-4-53 Wilson, Margaret E. Jacksonville, Florida Personnel and Appointments
O-10-4-54 Young, O.L. Memphis, Tennessee
Organization - Field Offices
O-10-5 Emergency Offices, ODT
O-10-6 Territorial Assignments
O-10-7 Duplication and conflict between ODT and other government agencies
O-10-8 ODT organization charts showing assignments to divisions
O-10-9 Southern Region Budget
O-10-10-1 Atlanta, GA
O-10-10-2 Birmingham, AL
O-10-10-3 Charleston, S. Carolina
O-10-10-4 Cincinnati, Ohio
O-10-10-5 Columbia, South Carolina
O-10-10-6 Jacksonville, FL
O-10-10-7 Louisville, KY
O-10-10-8 Memphis, Tennessee
O-10-10-9 New Orleans, LA
Box 25
Organization - Field Offices O-10 cont'd
O-10-10-10 Mobile, AL
O-10-10-11 Norfolk, VA
O-10-10-12 Richmond, VA
O-10-10-13 Savannah, GA
O-10-10-14 Tampa, FL
O-10-10-15 Washington, D.C.
O-10-11 ICC Organization
O-10-12 Designation of titles in division of railway transport
O-10-13 Organization - Reorganization of Div. of Ry. Trans. & Consolidation with Div. of
Traffic movement
Passenger Service P-5
P-5-1 Washington and Old Dominion RR Passenger Service
P-5-2 Millington Naval Training Station Passenger Service
P-5-3 Commuter Service on Georgetown Branch of B&O
P-5-4 Tennesse Central Railroad Passenger Service (Camp Campbell)
P-5-5 No folder
P-5-6 Dining car service for colored people (Thurgood Marshall)
P-5-7 Florida East Coast "Tiresaver" passenger service
P-5-8 Commuter Service between Richmond and Oriana, VA
P-5-9 Rehabilitation of "City of Lowell"
P-5-10 Commuter Service between Newport News and Grove, VA
P-5-11 Station Work - Atlanta Joint Terminal
P-5-12 Princeton to Albany, Indiana, Southern Railway Passenger Service
P-5-13 Illinois central operation between Effingham, Ill., and Indianapolis, Indiana
P-5-14 Exclusion of troop trains from Washington Terminal
P-5-15 Additional passenger service camp Vandorn, Miss.
P-5-16 Transportation of colored persons in Florida
P-5-17 Passenger Service - Southern Railway Orangeburg, S.C. to Charleston, Navy Yard
P-5-18 Passenger Service - Menon French Link, Ind., to Orleans, Indiana
P-5-19 Commuter Service - Between Macon, GA and Wellston Air Depot
P-5-20 No folder
P-5-21 Passenger Service - Southern Ry. South Carolina Divisions
Box 26
Passenger Service P-5 cont'd
P-5-22 Chicago and Illinois Midland Ry. Co. Passenger Sevice (train blueprints)
P-5-23 Yazoo City, Mississippi Passenger Service
P-5-24 Blacksburg, Virginia Passenger Tunnel
P-5-25 Procedure for discontinuance of Passenger service
P-5-26 Passenger Service for Farm Surplus Adminstration on Tennesse Central RR
P-5-27 Passenger Service - C&O Richmond and Williamsburg, VA
P-5-28 Discontinuance of Passenger Service between Birmingham and Childersburg, Alabama
P-5-29 Troop movement - Information
P-5-30 Passenger Service - Yazoo and Mississippi Valley RR
P-5-31 Rationing of passenger travel
P-5-32 Additional sleeper for W.T. Edwards
P-5-33 Warrior River Terminal Co. Passenger Service
P-5-34 Survey on Yazoo and Mississippi Valley RR Passenger Service
P-5-35 Air Corps Personnel to pass thru Naval area-Norfolk
P-5-36 Delay opening gates Washington Union Station
P-5-37 Inadequacy of transportation Norfolk to Washington
P-5-38 Atlantic Coast Line railroad service between Sumter, S.C. and McColl, S.C.
P-5-39 Bureau of Census survey, May 1943, Passenger travel on railway and bus lines
P-5-40 Shuttle service between Knoxville, Tennessee and Clinton, Tennessee (L&N)
P-5-41 Service on Illinois Central between Louisvill, KY., and Fort Knox, KY
P-5-42 Additional passenger service Atlantic and East Carolina Railway
P-5-43 Dining Car Service
P-5-44 Restoration of passenger service on Illinois Central between Water Valley and Grenada, Mississippi
P-5-45 Sleeper service between Mobile and Montgomery and Birmingham, Alabama
P-5-46 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac RR request for additional passenger service, Washington to Richmond
P-5-47 General file on commuter service for civilian personnel to war plants and industries
P-5-48 Service for workers employed at Brunswick , GA ship yards
P-5-49 Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay request to operate additional passenger service between Dothan and Panama City
P-5-50 Passenger service at Chase City, VA (Southern)
P-5-51 Bessemer and Lake Erie RR passenger service
Box 27
Passenger Service P-5 cont'd
P-5-52 Passenger service on Yazoo and Mississippi Valley at Natchez, Miss.
P-5-53 Transportation for disabled military, Naval and Merchant Marine personnel
P-5-54 Shuttle train service on Miss. Central RR between Hattisburg and Camp Shelby
P-5-55 Request of N&W for assignment of additional Pullman Car on Lynchburg Cincinnati line and extension of line to Norfolk
P-5-56 Restriction of passenger service under ODT General Order 47
P-5-57 Restriction of bus service to conserve equipment
P-5-58 General order #55 re: pool of railway passenger equipment for use of armed forces Permits P-15
P-15-1 Permits for superphosphate fertilizer
P-15-2 Babbit - Cotton Mill shipments
P-15-3 Permit Control - June 1945
P-15-3-1 Permit Control - December 1944
P-15-3-2 Permit Control - November 1944
P-15-3-3 Permit Control - October 1944
P-15-3-4 Permit Control - September 1944
P-15-3-5 Permit Control - August 1944
P-15-3-6 Permit Control - July 1944
P-15-3-7 Permit Control - June 1944
P-15-3-8 Permit Control - May 1944
P-15-3-9 Permit Control - April 1944
P-15-3-10 Permit Control - March 1944
P-15-3-11 Permit Control - February 1944
P-15-3-12 Permit Control - January 1945
P-15-3-13 Permit Control - January 1944
P-15-3-14 Permit Control - December 1943
Box 28
Permits P-15 cont'd
P-15-3-15 Permit Control - November 1943
P-15-4 files in Box 28
P-15-5 Martinique Coal DeBardeleben Coal Co.
P-15-6-1 "66" Series Permits (Navy)
P-15-6-2 "77" Series Permits (Local)
P-15-6-3 "88" Series Permits
P-15-6-4 "99" Series Permits ( Storage)
P-15-7 Port bulletins issued by A.A.R.
P-15-8 Special permit ODT - 24 Authorizing operation of Special Passenger Service
P-15-9 Movement of fruits and vegetables, particularly potatoes, into Tampa w/o ODT permits
P-15-10 Movement of loose fire brick into New Orleans
P-15-11 Permitting U.S. Engineers Lumber destined for overseas Personnel P-25
P-25-1 Form PQ-1 II
P-25-1 Personnel - General III
P-25-2 Personnel of Division of Railway Transport
P-25-3 Civil Service Retirement Act
P-25-4 List of Navy Commandants
P-25-5 Auto tires for Field Personnel
P-15-4 Procedure for handling violoations of General Order ODT 16 (1 of 2)
P-15-4 Procedure for handling violoations of General Order ODT 16 (2 of 2)
Box 29
Personnel P-25 cont'd
P-25-6 Gasoline for field men
P-25-7 Personnel of motor transport
P-25-8 Personnel - Calling on RR and other officials
P-25-9 Personnel - Request for FBI investigation of all port supervisors
P-25-10 Personnel - Pooling autos in D.C. area
P-25-11 Division of transport of personnel
P-25-12 Procedure re: compensation for ODT employees
P-25-13 Appointment of regional counsels
P-25-14 ODT personnel
Police P-40
P-40-1 Railway protective system
P-40-2 OCD Protection of railway facilities
P-40-3 Police - Handling stringent Coast Guard requirements at Mobile which danger loadings and unloadings (labor)
Port Facilities P-47
(Un-numbered pamphlet) P.O.S. Report #18
P-47-1 Form P-O-S Reports
P-47-2 Foreign trade zones
P-47-3 A.A.R. survey of gulf port facilities
P-47-4 Survey of Port and Labor facilities at South Atlantic Ports
P-47-5 Average daily export capacity of ports in Southern Region
Box 30
Publications P-50
P-50-1 Publications - General
P-50-2 Weekly bulletin Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
P-50-3 Article by Lew Heck
P-50-4 Florida fruit and vegetable report
P-50-5 Publications - "The Other Fellows Job" pamphlet on troop movement
P-50-6 Publications - Weekly info. Letter - Association American RR
P-50-7 Publications - Trade press clip sheet released by OWI
P-50-8 Publications - Report "Railroad traffic and other traffic data, Transportation Section of W.P.B.
P-50-9 Publications - List of publications available through O.E.M. library
P-50-10 Publications - Editorial in July issue of "Motor Bus Transportation"
Pullman P-60
P-60-1 Elimination Pullman Service
Questionnaires Q-30
Q-30-1 Questionnaires - Submission to Budget Bureau
Railroads R-12
R-12-1 Allocation of rail
R-12-2 W.B. & Pt. L. Railroad - Navy requisitioning
R-12-3 Gasoline shortage on railroads
Box 31
Railroads R-12 cont'd
R-12-4 Possession and operation of railroads by War Department
R-12-5 Violations of safe operating practices on railroads
Rates R-15
R-15-1 FSA - 19929 - L&N - Chattanooga Coal
R-15-2 Joint rates and reciprocal switching
R-15-3 Anti-trust Act re: freight and passenger rates
Reports R-20
R-20-1 Weekly report to E.J. Connors on port and rail conditions in the Southern and Western Regions
R-20-2 Review of SC-1 reports
R-20-3 Form B report on Port conditions (correspondence)
R-20-4 Pelly's daily report on transportation items of interest
R-20-5 SC-1 Correspondence III
R-20-5-1 SC-1 Reports (correspondence) IV
R-20-6 No folder
R-20-7 No folder
R-20-8 Progress report of S. Region to President
R-20-8-1 Progress report of division of railway transport to the President
R-20-9 Reports - Railroads to supervisor
Box 32
Reports R-20 cont'd
R-20-10 Manpower shortages (Reports on)
R-20-11 Passing reports December 22 and 23, 1942
R-20-12 AAR PT reports correspondence
R-20-12-1 AAR PT Report #1
R-20-12-2 AAR PT Report #2
R-20-12-3 AAR PT Report #3
R-20-12-4 AAR PT Report #4
R-20-12-5 No folder
R-20-12-6 AAR PT Report #6
R-20-12-7 AAR PT Report #7
R-20-12-8 No folder
R-20-12-9 No folder
R-20-12-10 AAR PT Report #12
R-20-13 P-5 Daily Summary
R-20-13-1 P-5 Daily Summary (Correspondence) II
R-20-14 No folder
R-20-15 General transportation situation (Buford-AAR)
R-20-16 Monthly freight traffic forecast (traffic movement)
R-20-16-1 Freight traffic forecast (correspondence)
R-20-17 Car detention at South Atlantic Ports
R-20-18 P-6 Inventory - cars held in port 30 days or more
R-20-19 "Transportation by Rail" condition report reflected by SC-1 reports - bi-monthly
R-20-20 Port activity record Division of traffic movement (correspondence)
R-20-20-1 Port activity record Division of traffic movement (correspondence)
R-20-21 Daily situation at Shenandoah and Hagerstown
Box 33
Reports R-20 cont'd
R-20-22 No folder
R-20-23 Estimated box car shipments to California (correspondence)
R-20-24 Tank cars held over 24 hours (correspondence) (AAR)
R-20-25 Cars erroneously reported (correspondence)
R-20-26 Weekly reports of supervisors on rail constructions (corres.)
R-20-26-1 Weekly reports of district rail directors January 1, 1944
R-20-26-2 Weekly reports of supervisors on port conditions (corres.)
R-20-27 Reports covering construction and expansion of military projects in Southern Region
R-20-28 Handling with demurrage and storage Bureau for copies of report to be sent to supvs.
R-20-29 P-1 summary. ODT export permits issued authorizing arrivals at ports
R-20-29-1 Comparison P-1 forecast with P-5 daily activity report of total arrivals
R-20-29-2 P-1 summary. ODT export permits issued authorizing arrival at ports (corres.)
R-20-30 Anticipated imports PI-1 report (corres.)
R-20-31 No folder
R-20-32 AAR car efficiency sub-committee reports
R-20-33 Current export bulletins of foreign administration
(Unnumbered pamphlet) Port of Hampton Roads brochures May 15, 1937 and June 1, 1940
Routing R-40
R-40-1 Chesapeake Western-Diversion
R-40-2 Circuitous routing
R-40-3 Childersburg Limestone
R-40-4 Routing TAG line
R-40-5 Routing steel plates - Birmingham to Oregon
R-40-6 Hauling cement - Atlanta to Marietta, GA
R-40-7 Amphibious Base - Carrabel, FL
R-40-8 Army - cross hauling - Atlanta
R-40-9 Troop trains through Atlanta
R-40-10 Winston Salem Southbound
R-40-11 Routing of barges - Higgins to Coast
R-40-12 Routing of bauxite
Box 34
Routing R-40 cont'd
R-40-13 Routing via S. Georgia
R-40-14 Routing - circuitous
R-40-15 Routing - oil by New Orleans P.B. RR
R-40-16 Division of traffic movement
R-40-17 Greater use of Short Line RR
R-40-18 Gas from Los Angeles, California, to Newark, N.J., Account accident
R-40-19 Woodward Iron Company via L&N instead of Southern Ry.
R-40-20 Marked Tree - Arkansas to New Orleans Service Order #125
R-40-21 Routing of granite from Georgia to Chicago for cemetary vault
R-40-22 Routing and handling of traffic (government)
R-40-23 Use of Mississippi Export RR in serving Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp. at Pascagoula, Miss.
R-40-24 Shipments of California Cotton to Compresses in Missouri and Arkansas
R-40-25 Routing of export traffic into ports
R-40-26 Movement of limestone into South Carolina
R-40-27 No folder
R-40-28 No folder
R-40-29 No folder
R-40-30 No folder
R-40-31 Reports received from railroads in Southern Region
Salvage S-3
S-3-1 Rubber tires
S-3-2 Salvaging scrap or obsolete materials - Fort Benning
Seatrains S-5
S-5-1 American cars in Cuba II
S-5-2 Seatrain daily report II
S-5-3 Seatrain daily report correspondence
S-5-4 Car of marble
Service-Railroad S-10
S-10-1 Atlanta, Birmingham & Coast RR
S-10-1-2 Atlantic and East Carolina Ry
S-10-1-3 Atlanta and St. Andrews Bay Railway Co.
S-10-1-4 Atlantic Coastline Railroad
S-10-1-5 Baltimore and Ohio RR
S-10-1-6 Carolina Southern
Box 35
Service - Railroad S-10 cont'd
S-10-1-7 Central of Georgia Ry
S-10-1-8 Charleston and Western Carolina Railway Co.
S-10-1-9 Chesapeake and Ohio RR
S-10-1-10 Clinchfield Route
S-10-1-11 No folder
S-10-1-12 Florida East Coast Railway
S-10-1-13 No folder
S-10-1-14 Georgia & Florida Railroad
S-10-1-15 No folder
S-10-1-16 Gulf, Mobile & Ohio RR
S-10-1-17 No folder
S-10-1-18 Kentucky and Illinois terminal
S-10-1-19 Louisville and Nashville RR
S-10-1-20 Meridian and Bigbee River
S-10-1-21 No folder
S-10-1-22 Missouri Pacific
S-10-1-23 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RR
S-10-1-24 Norfolk Southern
S-10-1-25 Norfolk and Western
S-10-1-26 Piedmont and Northern Ry
S-10-1-27 St. Louis - San Francisco Ry
S-10-1-28 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac RR
S-10-1-29 Seaboard Air Line Ry.
S-10-1-30 Southern Railway System
S-10-1-31 No folder
S-10-1-32 Virginian Railway
S-10-1-33 Virginia Blue Ridge Railway
S-10-1-34 Wilmington, Brunswick and Southern RR
S-10-2 Interruptions to service on RR in Southern Region
S-10-2-1 Atlanta, Birmingham and Coast
S-10-2-2 Atlantic and Carolina RR
S-10-2-3 Atlantic Coast Line
S-10-2-4 Baltimore and Ohio RR
S-10-2-5 Central of Georgia RR
S-10-2-6 Chesapeake and Ohio RR
S-10-2-7 Florida East Coast Ry.
S-10-2-8 Kentucky and Indian Terminal
Box 36
Service - Railroad S-10 cont'd
S-10-2-9 Louisville and Nashville RR
S-10-2-10 Meridian and Bigbee River RR
S-10-2-11 Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis Ry.
S-10-2-12 Norfolk Southern RR
S-10-2-13 Norfolk and Western
S-10-2-14 Pennsylvania RR
S-10-2-15 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
S-10-2-16 St. Louis - San Francisco Ry.
S-10-2-17 Deaboard Airline Ry.
S-10-2-18 Southern Railway
S-10-2-19 Virginian Railway
S-10-3 Performance of switching operations by common carrier within any depot. Letter by
Captian Brinkman.
S-10-4 Shuttle service for Higgins Plant, New Orleans
S-10-5 Auto Graveyard Section (WPB) Switching
S-10-6 Fast freight and passenger service
S-10-7 Delay to tanks of sulphuric acid between Baton Rouge and Alabama Ordnance Works
S-10-8 Emergency Service enemy bombing
S-10-9 Operations over L&N Montgomery-New Orleans-Pensacola Division, including Marianna Air Base.
S-10-10 Complaints regarding railroad service
S-10-11 Railroad service for U.S. Air Base, Key Field, Meridian, Mississippi, via I.C.
S-10-12 War department transportation regulations
S-10-13 Mixed train service between Blue Ridge, Ga. and Murphy, N.C. on the L&N
S-10-14 Switching service by Yazoo and Mississippi Valley RR for Belmont Lumber Co., Charleston, Mississippi
S-10-15 Taxicab service at Union Station (Washington, D.C.)
Sidings S-20
S-20-1 Johnson Lumber Company Side track
S-20-2 Interstate Metal Company side track
S-20-3 Siding for Kenneth Hospital
S-20-4 Sidings - Priority
Signals S-30
S-30-1 C.T.C - NC & St. L
S-30-2 C.T.C. - N&W
S-30-3 C.T.C. - L&N
S-30-4 Signals - Dictaphone Electricord Equipment
S-30-5 Signals - C.T.C. signals Alberta, Virginia - Norlina, N. Carolina
S-30-6 Signals - General file on C.T.C. signal installations
S-30-7 Signals - C.T.C. Installation CofG Railway - Ochillee, GA and Weems, Alabama
S-30-8 Signals at Savannah, GA on Central of Georgia
S-30-9 Signaling changes at Fredericksburg, VA on RF&P
S-30-10 Signals at Potomac Yard (RF&P)
S-30-11 Application of Central of Georgia for signal installation between Columbus, GA and Vandiver, AL
Box 37
Stations S-110
S-110-1 Passenger Station-Millington, Tennessee
Statistics S-120
S-120-1 Statistical Section-Railway transport
S-120-2 Statistics - Report covering employment on class railroads
S-120-3 Monthly comment on transportation statistics by ICC (report)
S-120-4 Freight revenue and value of commodities transported
S-120-5 Respect to car miles locomotive miles and gross ton miles
S-120-6 Report on freight car detentions by industrial users
S-120-7 "Selected operating statistics of selected southern railroads"
S-120-8 "Transportation of forest products in the U.S. 1941-1944
Storage S-140
S-140-1 Lorain and Southern storage
S-140-2 Storage of canned goods in transit
S-140-3 Army holding and reconsignment depots
S-140-4 Storage of pipe by brazilian purchasing commission - Birmingham
S-140-5 Storage practices of railroads at North Atlantic Ports, Baltimore, MD
S-140-6 Pier storage space-Baltimore
S-140-7 General instructions re:storage
S-140-8 Reports on hand
S-140-9 No folder
S-140-10 General file on storage of Army export freight
S-140-11 No folder
S-140-12 Procedure for disposition of frustrated port
S-140-13 Condemnation-Waterfront property of FEC Navy
S-140-14 Acquisition Piers Miami Navy
S-140-15 Investigation as to iron and steel plates ground storage back of ports
S-140-16 Government owned iron and steel
S-140-17 Forced-off-loading of in-bound export cargo
S-140-18 Storage in transit of Nitrate of Soda
S-140-19 Acquisition by Navy of Virginian and Norfolk and Western property at Norfolk
S-140-20 Acquisition by Navy of Mallory Pier, Tampa, Florida
S-140-21 Storage orders - New Orleans, LA
S-140-21-1 Storage orders - Savannah
S-140-21-2 Storage orders - Mobile
S-140-21-3 Storage orders - Tampa, FL
S-140-22 Acquisition by Navy of pier at New Orleans
S-140-23 Space control committee of the surplus war property administration
S-140-24 Storage in transit of government export traffic
S-140-25 Acquisition by Navy of commodores Point Terminal, Jacksonville
S-140-26 Acquisition by Maritime Commission of fertilizer warehouse at Panama City, FL
Box 38
Switching S-175
S-175-1 Movement to Army Base - Norfolk
S-175-2 Interchange - Moultrie, GA (Moultrie)
S-175-3 General instructions regarding switching at Ordnance, Marine and Naval plants
S-175-3-1 Alabama Ordnance Works Plants 1 and 2 Sylacauga, Alabama
S-175-3-2 Bluegrass Ordanance Plant Fort Estill, Richmond, KY
S-175-3-3 Chicksaw Ordance Plant Millington, TN
S-175-3-4 Coosa River Ordnance Plant Talladega, AL
S-175-3-5 Gadsden Ordnance Plant Gadsden, AL
S-175-3-6 Gulf Ordnance Plant Aberdeen, MS
S-175-3-7 Holston Ordnance Plant Kingston, TN
S-175-3-8 Hoosier Ordnance Works Indiana Ordnance Works Charlestown, Indiana
S-175-3-9 Mississippi Ordnance Plant Jackson, MS
S-175-3-10 Morgantown Ordnance Works Morgantown, West Virginia
Box 39
Switching S-175 cont'd
S-175-3-11 New River Ordnance Plant Dublin, Virginia
S-175-3-12 Ohio River Ordnance Works Henderson, Kentucky
S-175-3-13 Radford Ordnancd Works Radford, VA
S-175-3-14 Redstone Ordnance Works Huntsville, AL
S-175-3-15 Volunteer Ordnance Plant Tyner, TN
S-175-3-16 West Virginia Ordnance Works Point Pleasant, W. VA
S-175-3-17 Wolf Creek Ordnance Plant Milan, TN
S-175-4 Switching cost formula developed by ICC
S-175-5 Switching to Charleston, SC
S-175-6 Duplicate switching operations
S-175-7 Definition "inter-plant" and "intra-plant"
S-175-8 General file regarding investigation of switching operations at Navy Yards in Southern Reg.
S-175-8-1 US Naval Ammunition Depot Burns City, IN
S-175-8-2 US Naval Proving Grounds Dahlgren, VA
S-175-8-3 Naval Ammunitions Depot St. Juliens Creek, VA
S-175-8-4 Naval Training Station Bainbridge, Maryland
S-175-8-5 Naval Supply Depot Penniman, VA
S-175-8-6 Naval Air Station Pensacols, FL
Box 40
Switching S-175 cont'd
S-175-8-7 US Navy Yard Charleston, SC
S-175-8-8 Washington, DC Navy Yard
S-175-8-9 US Naval Air Station Opa-Looka, FL
S-175-8-10 US Naval Station New Orleans (algiers), LA
S-175-8-11 US Naval Station Advance Depot Gulfport, MS
S-175-8-12 US Naval Supply Depot New Orleans, LA
S-175-8-13 Naval Ammunition Depot Innes, SC
S-175-8-14 US Naval Air Station Jacksonville, FL
S-175-8-15 Naval Mine Depot Yorktown, VA
S-175-8-16 Naval Operating Base Norfolk, VA
S-175-8-17 Navy Yard Norfolk (Portsmouth), VA
S-175-9 General file regarding investigation of switching operations at Maritime Commission Plants or shipyards
S-175-9-1 Alabama dry dock and shipbuilding company plant Mobile, AL (Maritime)
S-175-9-2 Delta shipbuilding company New Orleans, LA Maritime Commission
S-175-9-3 Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation Pascagoula, MS (operated for Maritime Comm.)
S-175-9-4 J.A. Jones construction company Brunswick, GA (operated for Maritime Comm.)
S-175-9-5 J.A. Jones construction company Panama City, FL Maritime Comm.
S-175-9-6 McClosky and company Tampa, FL (Maritime)
S-175-9-7 North Carolina shipbuilding company Wilmington, NC (Maritime)
S-175-9-8 St. Johns River shipbuilding co. Jacksonville, FL (operated for Maritime Comm.)
S-175-9-9 Southeastern shipbuilding corp. Savannah, GA (maritime)
S-175-10 General file regarding investigation of switching operations at Marine camps
S-175-10-1 Camp Le Jeune Jacksonville (New River), NC (Marine)
S-175-11 General file investigation of switching operations at Army camps
S-175-11-1 Army Air Force Transit depot No. 1 Moncks Corner, SC
S-175-11-2 Atlanta Army Forces storage depot Atlant, GA
S-175-11-3 Fort Belvoir, VA
S-175-11-4 Fort Benning, Columbus, GA
S-175-11-5 Fort Bragg, NC
S-175-11-6 Camp Breckenridge Morganfield, Ky
S-175-11-7 Camp Butner, NC
S-175-11-8 Camp Campbell, KY
S-175-11-9 Camp Croft Spartanburg, SC
S-175-11-10 Camp Davis Holly Ridge, NC
S-175-11-11 Charleston, SC Ordnance Depot and Port Embarkation
S-175-11-12 Dyersburg Army Air Force Dyersburg, TN
S-175-11-13 Fort Eustis, Lee Hall, VA
Box 41
Switching S-175 cont'd
S-175-11-14 Camp Forrest Tullahoma, TN
S-175-11-15 Army Air Force Depot Gadsden, AL
S-175-11-16 Camp Gordon Groveton, GA
S-175-11-17 Greenville Army Air Base Greenville, SC
S-175-11-18 Jackson Army Air Base Jackson, MS
S-175-11-19 Fort Jackson Columbia, SC
S-175-11-20 Fort John Custic Kiptopeke, VA
S-175-11-21 Fort Knox KY US Army Post
S-175-11-22 Langley Field, VA
S-175-11-23 Laurinburg-Maxton Army Air Base Maxton, NC
S-175-11-24 Camp Lee Petersburg, VA
S-175-11-25 Lexington signal depot Lexington, KY
S-175-11-26 Loiusville Medical Depot, Louisvill, KY
S-175-11-27 Camp Mackall NC
S-175-11-28 Fort McClellan, AL
S-175-11-29 Memphis AAFSD Memphis, TN
S-175-11-30 Memphis ASFD
S-175-11-31 Fort Monroe Old Point, Comfort, VA
S-175-11-32 New Orleans Port of Embarkation New Orleans LA
S-175-11-33 Norfolk Army Base Norfolk, VA
S-175-11-34 Oyster Point VA (BSD)
S-175-11-35 Camp Patrick Henry VA
S-175-11-36 Camp Pendleton Virginia Beach, VA
S-175-11-37 Camp Pickett Blackstone, VA
S-175-11-38 Quartermaster Sub Depot Cameron, VA
S-175-11-39 Richmond Air Base Richmond VA
S-175-11-40 Richmond Holding and Reconsignment Depot Richmond,VA
S-175-11-41 Camp Rucker Ozark, AL
S-175-11-42 Camp Sibert Sibert, AL
S-175-11-43 Smyrna Air Base Smyrna, TN
S-175-11-44 Fort Story Cape Henry, VA
S-175-11-45 Camp Tyson Paris, TN
S-175-11-46 Camp Wheeler Macon, GA
S-175-12 Prisoner-of-war camps
S-175-13 Intra-city switching service at Louisvill, KY (to and from barges)
S-175-14 Intra-city switching at Richmond
Telephone Service T-22
T-22-1 Telephone Service
Terminal conditions T-25
T-25-1 Potomac Yard (reports)
T-25-1-1 Potomac Yard (corres.)
T-25-2 Clifton Forge, VA
T-25-3 Birmingham, AL II
Box 42
Terminal Conditions T-25 cont'd
T-25-4 Cincinnati, Ohio III
T-25-5 Atlanta
T-25-6 Memphis
T-25-7 Louisville
T-25-8 Chattanooga, TN
T-25-9 Meridian, MS
T-25-10 Roanoke, VA
T-25-11 Mobile
T-25-12 Charleston, SC
T-25-13 Norfolk, VA
T-25-14 New Orleans
T-25-15 Jacksonville
T-25-16 Columbia, SC
T-25-17 Tampa
T-25-18 Washington, DC
T-25-19 Cumberland
T-25-20 Hagerstown, MD
T-25-21 Pensacola
Box 43
Terminal Conditions T-25 cont'd
T-25-22 Knoxville, TN
T-25-23 West Henderson, KY
T-25-24 Elza, TN
T-25-25 Owensboro, KY
T-25-26 Paducah, KY
T-25-27 New Haven KY
T-25-28 Kevil, KY
T-25-29 Stagg, KY
T-25-30 Morehead, KY
T-25-31 Mt. Sterling, KY
T-25-32 Leach, KY
T-25-33 Lexington, KY
T-25-34 Taylor KY
T-25-35 Winchester KY
T-25-36 Frankfort, KY
T-25-37 Cleves, OH
T-25-38 Russell KY
T-25-39 Latonia KY
T-25-40 Covington KY
T-25-41 Lawrenceberg , IN
T-25-42 Indianapolis IN
T-25-43 Newport KY
T-25-44 Richmond VA IV
Box 44
Terminal Conditions T-25 cont'd
T-25-45 Montgomery, AL
T-25-46 South Portsmouth, Ky
T-25-47 Bowling Green KY
T-25-48 Milan TN
T-25-49 Charlotte NC
T-25-50 Anniston, AL
T-25-51 Gadsden, AL
T-25-52 Jeffersonville IN
T-25-53 Viola KY
T-25-54 Maysville Ky
Terminals T-26
T-26-1 Car detention at Oyster Point, VA Army holding point for explosives
Terminal Reports T-30
T-30-1 Improvements in Memphis TN Terminal facilities
T-30-1-1 Request of Fernwood, Columbia and Gulf RR for tieplates
T-30-2 Production of railroad cross ties
Tracks T-50
T-50-1 Southern Railway tracks Shrewsberry, MS
T-50-2 Complaint, Riverdale, Maryland
T-50-3 Proposal of Army for track connection with B&O at Aberdeen, MD
T-50-4 Emergency crossing ACL. Orlando, FL to server Orlando Utilities Commission
Truck T-80
T-80-1 Motor truck efficiency committee, Memphis TN
T-80-2 Restrictions on motor truck deleveries
T-80-3 Over-the-road truck drivers strike in Southeast October 1943
Water Supply W-10
W-10-1 Southern Railway Water Supply
W-10-2 Water supply at Olive Hill KY
W-10-3 Request of Southern RY for additional tank cars to haul water for Louisville Division
W-10-4 Emergency substitution of rail for truck service
Weighing W-20
W-20-1 Weighing - Shippers Weigh
Yards Y-10
Y-10-1 Bourbon stock yards - Louisville
Y-10-2 Tank cars
Y-10-3 Airplane runway - Hialeah
Y-10-4 Trains held out of yards
Y-10-5 GM&O transfer to SAL yard at Birmingham
Y-10-6 Yard - Securing land eminent domain proceedings
Individual Folders I-10
I-10-1 Checks made by VE Lovett at Military or Naval installations
I-10-2 Baltimore and Ohio RR
I-10-3 Coal Meeting - movement of coal, B&O
Box 45
Maps M-10
M-10-1 Charleston, SC
M-10-2 Wilmington NC
M-10-3 O.D.T. Division of traffic movement zone territory map
M-10-4 Charleston SC
M-10-5 Jacksonville FL (1934)
M-10-6 MS railroads and road map
M-10-7 Municapal docks and terminals Jacksonville FL
M-10-8 Virginia Seashore
M-10-9 Rail lines Savannah, GA
M-10-10 Short line map
M-10-11 SAL Ry. Map of Connections
M-10-12 Atlanta 1934
M-10-13 New Orleans 1943
M-10-14 Tampa and Seddon Island, SAL
M-10-15 Savannah, GA
M-10-16 Port Tampa (photo)
M-10-17 Port Tampa Terminal (map)
M-10-18 Map of Southern Freight Assoc.
M-10-19 D.C. Travel Map
M-10-20 W. Maryland Railway
M-10-21 Hagerstown, MD (handdrawn)
M-10-22 Hagerstown, MD
M-10-23 Georgia and Florida RR and connections
M-10-24 Charleston SC (1923)
M-10-25 Industrial locations Savannah GA 1931
M-10-26 Wilmington NC 1918
M-10-27 Malory-Gulf terminal Co. Tampa, FL property plan
M-10-28 A.H. Bull steamship co. Tampa, FL 1934
M-10-29 South Boca Grande Terminal Charlotte Harbor and Northern Ry.
M-10-30 (1921) SAL Ry Co. Map of Tampa and Seddon Island
M-10-31 Wilmington NC A.C.L.
M-10-32 Wilmington NC
M-10-33 Wilmington NC
M-10-34 Wilmington NC
Miscellaneous M-20
M-20-1 ODT S. Reg. Symbol petroleum performance form
M-20-2 Alabama State Dock photos
Miscellaneous M-20 cont'd
M-20-3 Port of Mobile News (1943)
M-20-4 Alabama State docks map
M-20-5 State owned ocean terminals at Mobile, AL
M-20-6 map of greater Mobile, AL
M-20-7 Alabama state docks Mobile, AL (1940)
M-20-8 Mobile, AL 1929
M-20-9 B&O RR Map
M-20-10 Right-of-way and track map 1918 B&O RR
M-20-11 Potomac Yard Alexandria, VA 1940
M-20-12 Potomac Yard Alexandria, VA 1942
Box 46
Accidents A-4
A-4-1 Accidents VI
A-4-1-1 Accidents V
A-4-1-2 Accidents IV
A-4-1-3 Accidents III
A-4-1-4 Accidents #2 March 1, 1943
Box 47
Accidents A-4 cont'd
A-4-5 Accident I February 1943
C-40-1 Government construction projects
C-40-4 Blue Grass Ordnance Plant government construction II
C-40-4-1 Government construction Blue Grass I
Manpower Pr. Comm. C-75 Cont'd from box
C-75-8 Manpower priorities committees VII
C-75-8 Manpower priorities committees VII March 10, 1945 to April 9, 1945
Box 48
Manpower Priorities Committes C-75 cont'd
C-75-8-2 MPC V
C-75-8-3 MPC IV
C-75-8-4 MPC III
C-75-8-5 MPC II
Box 49
Manpower Priorities Committee C-75 cont'd
C-75-8-6 MPC
Coordination C-90
C-90-4 Coordination - Augusta to Greenwood I
C-90-4-1 Coordination - Augusta to Greenwood II
Box 50
D-15-1 No folder
D-15-2 No folder
D-15-3 J.M. Hood's diversion authority
Embargoes E-20
E-20-1 Embargoes
Freight F-20-43
F-20-43-1 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses I
F-20-43-2 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses II
F-20-43-3 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses III
F-20-43-4 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to merchandise cars account congestion in freight houses IV
Box 51
Freight F-20-43 cont'd
F-20-43-5 Congestion of less carload freight including delay to nerchandise cars account congestion in freight houses V
G-10-4 Potatoes I
G-10-5 Information as to Arrival of Ships
Oil, O-5
O-5-1-1 Oil - General IV
O-5-28 Messages acounts - oil trains
Box 52
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-1-2 Oil general June 1, 1943
O-5-1-3 Oil general II
O-5-1-4 Oil to East Coast I
O-5-1-5 Symbols #6 and #7 January 1944, December 1944
O-5-1-6 S. Region Symbol trains
O-5-1-7 Symbol train performance June 1945
Box 53
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-1-8 Symbol #6 and #7
O-5-1-9 Symbol #32 and #33 December 1942 - February 26, 1945
O-5-4 Oil barges - Panama City
O-5-7 Atlanta
O-5-7-1 Cincinnati
Box 54
Oil O-5 cont'd
O-5-7-2 Memphis
O-5-7-3 New Orleans (Reports)
O-5-7-4 No folder
O-5-7-5 New Orleans I
O-5-7-6 No folder
O-5-7-7 No folder
O-5-7-8 Norfolk (Reports)
O-5-27 Routing of petroleum products Jacksonville, Florida to Norfolk, VA
O-5-27-1 Routing of petroleum products Jacksonville, Florida to Norfolk, VA (Reports)
O-5-28 Rerouting - floods - Big Inch Pipeline
Box 55
O-7-1 Symbol trucks January -June 1944
O-7-2 General Order #18
O-7-2-1 General Order #18
P-15-3-1 Permit control October 1943
P-15-3-2 Permit control September 1943
P-15-3-3 Permit control August 1943
P-15-3-4 Permit control July 1943
P-15-3-5 Permit control June 1943
Box 56
P-15 cont'd
P-15-3-6 Permit control May 1943
P-15-3-7 Permit control March and April 1942
P-15-3-8 Permit control January and February 1943
P-15-3-9 Permit control November and December 1942
P-15-3-10 Permit control October 1942
P-15-3-11 Permit control September 1942
Box 57
P-15 cont'd
P-15-3-12 Permit control August 1942
P-15-3-13 Permit control July 1942
P-15-3-14 Texas and Pacific Railway Company Permits
P-15-3-15 St. John's River Terminal permits
Port conditions P-45
P-45-1 General
P-45-2 Port Hueneme
P-45-3 Los Angeles Long Beach
P-45-4 Portland
P-45-4-1 Flour Shipments - Portland, use of Peir 1, term 4
P-45-5 Seattle
P-45-6 Beaumont, Galveston, Houston
P-45-7 Hampton Roads
P-45-8 San Francisco
P-45-9 Charleston, South Carolina
P-45-10 Wilmington, North Carolina
Box 58
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-11 Port bulletins - permit instructions
P-45-12 Gulfport, MS
P-45-13 Hampton Roads (correspondence) June 1, 1944 - March 31, 1945
P-15-6 #99 permits - reports
P-15-6-1 #99 series permits
P-15-7 No folder
P-15-8 Special permit ODT-24 Authorizing operation of special passenger service
Box 59
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-14 Hampton Roads IV (Correspondence)
P-45-15 Hampton Roads II
P-45-16 Hampton Roads, VA (Correspondence)
P-45-17 Hampton Roads (Storage) September 1, 1943
P-45-18 Portsmouth, VA
P-45-19 Hampton Roads Storage - Army Basic
P-45-20 Norfolk, VA Reports
P-45-21 Hampton Roads #4 July 1943
P-45-22 Hampton Roads cars held by foreign forwarders
Box 60
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-23 Hampton Roads storage orders
P-45-24 Hampton Roads #3
No number Symbol train performance (August)
No number Symbol trains (June 1945)
P-45-25 Savannah, GA January 1945-May 1945
P-45-26 Savannah, GA April 17, 1944 - December 23, 1944
P-45-27 Savannah, GA Port conditions September 1, 1943
P-45-28 Savannah, GA Daily reoports
Box 61
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-29 Savannah, GA (Miscellaneous)
P-45-30 Savannah, GA
P-45-31 Jacksonville, FL September 1, 1943 Port Conditions
P-45-32 Jacksonville, FL
P-45-33 Jacksonville, FL
P-45-34 Panama City, FL
P-45-35 Port conditions - Port Everglades, FL
P-45-36 Port conditions - Miami, FL
P-45-37 Port conditions - Port St. Joe, FL
P-45-38 Port conditions - Fernandina, FL
P-45-39 South Florida Ports
P-45-40 Port conditions - South Boca Grande, FL
P-45-41 South Florida Ports
Box 62
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-42 South Florida Ports (Everglades, Miami, Lauderdale)
P-45-43 Tampa, FL
P-45-44 Port conditions - Tampa, FL September 1, 1943
P-45-45 Port conditions - Tampa, FL
P-45-46 Tampa - December 1, 1942
P-45-47 Tampa, FL
Box 63
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-48 Mobile, AL (correspondence) June 1, 1944 to June 1, 1945
P-45-49 Mobile, AL (correspondence)
P-45-50 Port conditions - Mobile, AL
P-45-51 Pensacola, FL
P-45-52 Port conditions - Pensacola, FL
P-45-53 Port conditions - Pensacola inventory
P-45-54 Mobile, AL May 1943
Box 64
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-55 Mobile, AL daily reports
P-45-56 Mobile, AL January 1943
P-45-57 Lake Charles, LA
P-45-58 Mobile, AL (corres.) June 1, 1945
P-45-59 New Orleans, LA IX (corres.)
P-45-60 New Orleans, LA VIII (corres.) storage
P-45-61 New Orleans, LA VII (corres.)
Box 65
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-62 Port conditions - New Orleans, LA VI Storage
P-45-63 New Orleans III
P-45-64 New Orleans, LA
P-45-65 New Orleans, LA X
P-45-66 New Orleans III July-August 1942
Box 66
Port conditions P-45 cont'd
P-45-67 New Orleans LA Daily reports March 1942-August 1942
P-45-68 New Orleans LA Daily reports September 1942
P-45-69 New Orleans hold order July 10th
P-45-70 New Orleans LA Reports
P-45-71 N.O. Inventory (Corres.)
P-45-72 N.O. Inventory Report
P-45-73 Weekly report to V.V. Boutner on port and rail conditions in S. Region
Box 67
R-20-1 Weekly Report
R-20-2 No folder
R-20-3 Form B Correspondence
R-20-4 No folder
R-20-5 SC -1 Reports (Corres.)
R-20-5-1 SC -1 Reports (Corres.)
R-20-5-2 Final Reports (2 folders)
Box 68
R-20 cont'd
R-20-5-2 Final Reports (2 folders)
R-20-6 Reports - RR's to Supervisors
R-20-7 P-5 Daily Summary (Corres.)
R-20-8 Weekly reports from field supervisors Southern region
R-20-9 Weekly reports of district rail directors
Box 69
Seatrain S-5
S-5-1 Seatrain Daily reports
S-5-2 Seatrain daily reports
Service Interruptions S-10
S-10-1 Instructions - Interruptions to service
S-10-2 A.B. & C.
S-10-3 A.C.L.
S-10-4 A. & St. A. Bay
S-10-5 B & O
S-10-6 Central of Georgia
S-10-7 C&O
S-10-8 Clinchfield
S-10-9 C & W.C.
S-10-10 GM & O
S-10-11 G & SI
S-10-12 Illinois Central
S-10-13 L&N
S-10-14 M& BR
S-10-15 Mississippi Central
S-10-16 Norfolk Southern
S-10-17 N&W
S-10-18 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
S-10-19 Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac
Box 70
Seatrain S-5 cont'd
S-5-3 Cars at Belle Chasse
S-5-4 Seatrain corres. October 1942-March 1944
S-5-5 American Cars in Cuba
S-5-6 Cars in Cuba
S-5-7 American Cars in Cuba
S-5-8 Seatrain corres.
Box 71
Service Interruptions S-10 cont'd
S-10-20 RF & P
S-10-21 SAL
S-10-22 Southern Railway
S-10-23 Tennessee Central
S-10-24 Virginian
S-10-25 Fast freight and passenger service
S-140-1 General instructions - export traffic
S-140-2 General instructions - storage
S-140-3 General instructions - storage
S-140-4 General instructions - storage
Box 72
S-140 cont'd
S-140-5 General instructions - storage
S-140-6 Request for office supplies
T-25-1 Potomac Yard
T-25-1-2 Potomac Yard
T-25-2 Charleston, S.C.
T-25-3 Birmingham
Box 73
T-25 cont'd
T-25-3-1 Birmingham
T-25-4 Cincinnati Terminal
T-25-4-1 Cincinnati
T-25-5 Atlanta - corres.
T-25-6 Memphis
T-25-6-1 Memphis
Box 74
T-25 cont'd
T-25-7 Louisville
T-25-7-1 Louisville
T-25-7-2 Louisville
T-25-8 Terminal conditions - Louisville
T-25-9 Charleston
Box 75
T-25 cont'd
T-25-10 Richmond, VA
T-25-10-1 Richmond, VA
T-25-10-2 Richmond, VA
T-60-1 Travel Record of Personnel
T-60-2 Travel corres.
Box 76
T-60 cont'd
T-60-3 Travel record of personnel
T-60-4 Travel - October 1943
T-60-5 Travel
T-60-6 Travel
Box 77
Ports P-10
P-10-1 Savannah GA Port conditions correspondence
P-10-2 Savannah GA Office equipment and rental inventory
P-10-3 Savanna GA Organization
P-10-4 Port Everglades, FL Seatrain management corp. (Gen. Corr.)
P-10-5 Port Everglades, FL Seatrain wire reports - 4 days
P-10-6 Port Everglades, FL Seatrain reports
P-10-7 Instructions - Admin. Office
P-10-8 Tampa, FL Port conditions and weekly letters
P-10-9 General orders ODT No. 12
Box 78
Ports P-10 cont'd
P-10-10 Savannah GA Port terminal central committee minutes
P-10-11 Savannah GA ODT X permits - storage
P-10-12 Savannah GA Bills
P-10-13 Postage stamps
P-10-14 Port everglades ODT X storage permits
P-10-15 Outward loading program
P-10-16 ODT export permits - corres.
P-10-17 Miami, FL Port conditions and weekly letters
P-10-18 Miami ODT X storage permits
P-10-19 Jacksonville, FL Port conditions committee minutes
P-10-20 Jacksonville, FL Storage
P-10-21 Jacksonville, FL Port conditions and weekly letters
P-10-22 Fort Lauderdale, FL ODT X storage permits
P-10-23 Port Storage permits - domestic Savannah
P-10-24 supplementary storage orders
P-10-25 Charleston, SC Port conditions
Box 79
Ports P-10 cont'd
P-10-26 Charleston SC X storage permits ODT
P-10-27 No folder
P-10-28 No folder
P-10-29 Florida
P-10-30 Misc.
P-10-31 Fort Lauderdale, FL Port storage permits
P-10-32 South Charleston, SC Port storage permits - domestic
P-10-33 Jacksonville, FL Port storage permits
P-10-34 Port storage permits - domestic Jacksonville
P-10-35 Savannah GA Port storage permits
P-10-36 Tampa, FL Port storage permits
P-10-37 W. Palm Beach FL Port storage permits
P-10-38 Storage permits general corres.
P-10-39 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-40 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-41 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-42 Port storage forwarding permits numerical Savannah
P-10-43 West Palm Beach FL Port conditions
P-10-44 Port storage permits - instructions Savannah
P-10-45 Telegraph and telephone
P-10-46 Travel authority and requests for transportation
P-10-47 Travel vouchers
P-10-48 Savannah, GA corres. Misc.
P-10-49 Savannah, GA storage
P-10-50 Port storage permits Savannah
P-10-51 Port storage permits Savannah
P-10-52 Port storage permits Correspondence
Box 80
Port conditions P-10 cont'd
P-10-53 Jacksonville, FL Tank car pool
P-10-54 Jacksonville, FL ODT X permits-storage
Individual folder labels
1 Seaboard Railway switching
2 Symbol movement via SAL
3 Train delays
4 Southern RR
5 Southern RR - Employment of Labor - Compliance w/ WMC
6 Southern RR - Merchandise Cars
7 Yard congestion
8 Virginian RR
9 No folder
10 Virginia Central RR
11 No folder
12 Association of American Railroads
13 Atlantic States Shippers Advisory Board
14 Atlantic States Shippers Advisory Board Corres.
15 Advisory Board - Southeast shippers
16 Advisory Board - Southeast shippers - corres.
17 Chamber of Commerce
18 No folder
19 Chamber of Commerce - Roanoke, VA
20 ICC
21 Pullman Co.
22 Railway Express Co.
23 No folder
24 No folder
25 Military installations
26 Fort Bragg, NC
27 Railway Highway Commission
28 Car detention Raleigh Wyoming Mining Co.
29 Refrigerators for west bound loading
30 Utilization of freight car equipment
31 Mathieson Alkali Works Saltville, VA
32 Old Dixie Distilling Company Tank car detention reports
33 Peanut companies Suffolk, VA
34 Petersburg box and lumber company
35 Peidmont Sales Co
36 Reynolds Metal Co. Richmond VA and subsidiaries
37 Richmond Quartermaster Market Center
Box 81
Individual folder labels
38 Royal Manufacturing Co. Charlotte, NC
39 "S" Misc.
40 Safeways, Inc. Warehouse Market
41 A.G. Shore and company Winston-Salem NC (car detention)
42 State road comm. Car detention
43 Storage of govt. owned iron and steel products
44 Mr. George Shamberger Port director Norfolk, VA
45 Sylvania Industrial Corp. Fredericksburg, VA
46 Tank car delays
47 Taylor and Sledd, Inc. Richmond, VA
48 Virginia Lumber Co. Hopewell, VA
49 Virginia Products Co.
50 Virginia Asphalt Paving Co. Roanoke, VA tank car detention
51 "W" Misc.
52 Western Union Telegraph Service
53 West Vaco South Charleston WVA
54 Wyatt Transfer Co.
55 Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Gen. Corres.
56 Atlantic Coast Line Railway Tank car detention
57 No folder
58 No folder
59 Chesapeake and Ohio RR Gen. Corres.
60 Chesapeake and Ohio RR Tank car dentention
61 No folder
62 New York Central RR
63 Norfolk and Southern Ry Raleigh NC
64 Norfolk and Western RR General Corres.
65 Norfolk and Western RR Tank Car detention
66 Pennsylvania RR
67 RF & P RR General Corres.
68 SAL Ry General Corres.
69 SAL Ry Improvements in existing set up Hamlet, NC
70 Southen Ry General Corres.
71 Southern Ry Tank car detention
72 Virginian Railway General Corres.
73 Virginian Railway Tank car detention
Retired Coop Agency Files
1 Gulf states creosoting company
2 Kentwook Lumber Co.
3 Montgomer Holding and Reconsignment Point
4 Movement of pyrite cinder from Pulaski, VA
5 Refrigerator cars 1943
6 Shifting of dunnage lumber on flats and gonds
7 Burmingham terminal company
8 Pullman - standard car manufacturing co. Bessemer plant
9 Tobacco by products co.
Box 82
Individual folder labels
1 Hood, JM Washington DC
2 Director ODT Col. JM Johnson
3 Atlantic States Shippers Advisory Board
4 Accumulations - Recommendation for embargo or not
5 ACCA yard accumulations
6 ACCA yard - RF &P RR application for new lead track
7 "B" Misc.
8 Barium Reduction Corporation
9 Blythe Brothers Tank Car detention Greenville, NC
10 Brower, HG Supervisor of rail terminals Norfolk, VA
11 Bullington R. McC Jr. Misc. memoranda
12 Car detention General info
13 Marine corps Air station, Cherry point NC
14 Loading and unloading of cars
15 Camp Patrick Henry, VA
16 Camp Davis, NC
17 Camp Lee, VA
18 Camp Mackal, NC
19 Camp Butner, NC
20 1353rd Service Unit (Repair Shop) Fairgrounds, Richmond VA
21 Navy Ordnance Depot Annex Penhammon, VA
22 Camp Pickett, VA
23 No folder
24 Richmond Army Service Forces Depot, Bellbluff, VA
25 Richmond holding and reconsigning depot, Bellbluff, VA
26 Southern Cotton Oil co. Charlotte, NC
27 Southern Frozen Foods, Statesville, NC
28 Southern States Cooperative - NC, VA, MD
29 Southgate Brokerage Co. Greensboro, NC
30 JC Spack Wagon works Winston-Salem NC
31 Standard Bended Warehouse Co. Charlotte NC
32 Standard Ice and Fuel Co. Charlotte NC
33 Statesville Brick Co. Statesville NC
34 Statesville Flour Mills Statesville NC
35 Statesville Plywood and Veneer Co. Statesville NC
36 Superior Yarn Mills Statesville NC
37 Swift and Co. Fertilizer Works Wilmington NC
38 Thomas and Howard Co. Charlotte NC
39 Transit mix concrete co. Charlotte NC
40 Tucker Kirby Co. Charlotte NC
41 Turner Manufacturing Co. Statesville, NC
42 Watson Feed Co. Greensboro, NC
43 Hercules Powder Co. Hopewell, VA
44 Hopewell shippers 1945
45 Petersburg shippers 1945
46 Lynchburg shippers 1945
47 Suffolk shippers 1945
Box 83
Individual folder labels
1 Richmond shippers 1945
2 American Tobacco Company
3 Brown Williamson Tobacco Company Petersburg VA
4 "C" Misc.
5 Improper Car handling correspondence
6 Carbide and Chemical Corporation
7 Chesapeake Corporation West Point VA
8 L.A. Clarke and Sons
9 Car cleaning reports
10 Cline contractors Wilkins NC
11 Columbian Paper Co.
12 County extension Agents
13 Demurrage problems Misc.
14 Detention problems Fredericksburg Va
15 A&P Tea Company
16 Abbot Construction Company
17 Detention problems at Hopewell VA
18 Detention problems at Petersburg VA
19 Dixie Portland Flour Mills
20 Dupont Co. Tank Car detention Waynesboro, VA
21 "E" Misc.
22 Embargo procedures
23 "G" Misc.
24 Camp Hollywater Co. - Richmond Ice Co. Invoices
25 General Chemical Co.
26 William H. Hall, Petersburg VA
27 John H. Heald Co. Radford VA Car detention
28 Hercules Powder Co.
29 Hummel-Ross Fibre Co.
30 Kingan and Co. Re: Issuance of ODT permits
31 Larus and Brothers Co.
32 Liggette Meyers Tobacco Co.
33 "M" Misc.
34 Roanoke shippers
35 Albergotti Brothers
36 Rail Inquiries regarding delay
37 American Houses, Inc. Roanoke, VA
38 C.C. Bova Co. Roanoke VA
39 "M" Misc.
40 Carpel Co. Roanoke Va
41 Clement Brokerage Co. Roanoke VA
42 Clover Creamery Co. Roanoke VA
43 Conner, A.L. Roanoke VA
44 Continental Can Co. Roanoke VA
45 "M" Misc.
46 Cooperative Mills Roanoke VA
47 "M" Misc.
48 R.F. Cunningham Produce Exchange - New York, NY
49 Roanoke Farm Supply Center Roanoke VA
50 Roanoke Fruit and Produce Co. Roanoke VA
51 Roanoke Gas Company Roanoke VA
52 Hodges Lumber Co. Roanoke VA
53 Huff and Cook Inc. Roanoke VA
54 Johnson-Carper Furniture Co. Roanoke VA
55 Kroger Grocery Co. Roanoke VA
56 Lindsay-Robinson Grain Co. Roanoke VA
57 Martin Owens Co. Roanoke VA
58 Nonald and Company Roanoke VA
59 Peoples Ice and Cold Storage Co. Roanoke VA
Box 84
Individual folder labels
1 Pitzer Transfer Corporation Roanoke VA
2 Roanoke Public Warehouse Roanoke VA
3 Valley Roofing Company Roanoke VA
4 Valley Lumber Co. Roanoke VA
5 Virginia Wrecking Co. Roanoke VA
6 Walker Machine and Foundry Co. Roanoke VA
7 Barger Brothers Coal Co. Roanoke VA
8 Skyline Lumber Company Roanoke VA
9 Southwest Fuel Co. Roanoke VA
10 Sam Finley, Inc. Tank detention Roanoke VA
11 No folder
12 Rail inquiries regarding delay
13 Wheelwright power plant Bellbluff VA
14 Rail inquiries regarding delay
15 Rail inquiries regarding delay
16 Bristow Brothers Trucking Co. Fredericksburg, VA
17 Rail inquiries regarding delay
18 Rail inquiries regarding delay
19 Tank car delay
20 Rail inquiries regarding delay
21 Rail inquiries regarding delay
22 Rail inquiries regarding delay
23 Rail inquiries regarding delay
24 Association of American Railroads
25 Shippers - State of NC
26 Acme Coal Co. Greensboro, NC
27 American Agricultural Chemical Co. Wilmington, NC
28 Arnold Stone Co. Greensboro, NC
29 Bahnson Co. Winston-Salem NC
30 Ballenger Brothers Charlotte NC
31 Barger Mill Works Statesville, NC
32 Barnhardt Manufacturing Company Charlotte NC
33 Berry Coal Co. Greensboro NC
34 Blythe Brothers Co. Charlotte NC
35 C.C. Bova and Company Roanoke VA
36 Briggs-Shaffner Co. Winston-Salem NC
37 Delta Refining
38 Empty Tanks
39 Grand Junction
40 Jackson
41 IC improvements at Grand Central
42 IC passenger trains, Water Valley to Grenada
43 Military projects, camps, etc.
44 Milan and Camp Shelby Depots
45 Illinois Central - Misc.
46 IC Truck file
47 IC situation report
48 Helena
49 LCL Merchandise Reports
50 Mechanical situation
51 Main trains
52 Pickens
53 Pipe
Box 85
Individual file labels
1 Reading file from November 1st to É
2 Recent Corres.
3 Quaker Oats
4 Oil Report Correspondence and Schedules 1944
5 Ordnance plants
6 NC&St.L C.T.C.
7 Nashville Ticket Office
8 Oil diversion
9 Calhous St. Canopy
10 Oil schedules and correspondence
11 Delays over bridge
12 Diversion Manufacturing Army Service Forces Depot
13 Mr. J.M.Hood
14 KC Junction
Box 86
Individual file lables
1 KC Junction - Blueprints and Plans
2 MOP 219
3 Merchandise cars
4 Misc. year 1945
5 Refrigerators
6 RI 45 and other RI trains
7 Rail truck local situation
8 Rice permit situation file
9 Report info
10 Merchandise reports - Memphis
11 Wrecks and Accidents
12 Trap cars
13 Symbol oil
14 Southern Train
15 Southern railway system
16 Symbol 19 correspondence
17 Train delays
18 Southland Co. - Corres.
19 Switching complaints
20 Weekly reports